As featured in our matchday programme, we caught up with former United midfielder Grant McCann.

Presently manager of Championship outfit Hull City, the ex-Northern Ireland international reflected on his two-year stay at the club between 2008 and 2010.

In terms of best teammate, I’d go for Sam Togwell. He did all my running for me and would get about the pitch and cover the ground. Cheers Togg!

Kevan Hurst. He would always be the first pick in the five-a-sides while I was at the club. The five-a-sides would take place in ‘the Shed’ when I was there and he would always be at the top of the list.

Cliff Byrne

The leader was Cliff Byrne (above). We had a few run-ins over the years, but that was only because we were as bad as each other and we both really wanted to win.

The unsung hero was undoubtedly Matty Sparrow. He probably didn’t get the recognition he deserved over his ten years with the club, but he was a local lad and always gave 100% to the cause. He obviously scored two goals in the play-off final game when I was there too which helped us get promoted!

The most skilful player I played with at Scunthorpe was Gary Hooper. He could create a chance out of anything and obviously his goalscoring record spoke for itself.

Andrew Wright was a very clever boy and had degrees in what seemed almost anything!

Matty Sparrow – enough said!

Michael O'Connor


The joker of the pack was Michael O’Connor (above). We never knew what he was up to but he was always up to something! He was always playing practical jokes in the dressing room, but they went too far at times.

The overall best player for me goes to Martyn Woolford. On his day, he was unplayable and turned in some top performances. Often, Woolly didn’t know what he was going to do, so how were the opposition players supposed to know! He had great pace and won us a lot of games, including the winning goal in the play-off final and that brace he scored against Newcastle United.

Paul Hayes was the worst trainer. He hated training, but put him on the pitch on a Saturday, he produced.

Jonathan Forte. Jonno was quick, the boy could shift!

The year we beat Millwall to go up in the play-offs. We had a great set of lads with a huge belief and hunger to succeed with a great manager in Nigel Adkins to guide us.

Team Photo 08-09

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