Earlier in the season, we offered you the chance to ask Andy Butler some questions via our social media channels, and – as always – you delivered for the Iron captain. Here are a selection he answered below.

@crleyjcsn528, via Instagram: Why did you come back to the Iron?
I had a few options but ultimately Scunthorpe was best suited to me. My wife works full-time so it’s ideal for me locally, doing the school runs. Also, I know what the club’s about, so I thought it’d be nice to come back.

@mpreston578, via Instagram: How did you get into football?
By chance! I never really played at school because I couldn’t get into the team, I thought about faking an ID so I could play in the year below me! In the end, my friend told me to come and play for Hyde Park Knights, and it went from strength to strength from there! I got told I was a rugby player playing football once.

@xloganxmcdonaghx, via Instagram: How does it feel to be Doncaster Rovers Belles manager, and still play for the Iron?
AB: Everyone that knows me knows I love football, I like playing, coaching and even helping out with my little boys’ team, Tickhill Juniors. I’m still learning a lot, playing and coaching!

@aidanrgray, via Instagram: What’s your favourite TV soap?
AB: I don’t watch them to be honest, sorry!

@redlongtingakapotnoodle, via Instagram: Would you rather win the World Cup or the Champions League?
AB: The World Cup, definitely.

Sarah Keeley, via Facebook: What’s the best ground you’ve played at in your career?
AB: Old Trafford without a doubt, I mean it was for Scunny’s youth team and we lost 8-0 (including an own goal from me) but that didn’t take away from where we were playing!

@jackshaw7563, via Instagram: What are your thoughts on Scunthorpe’s season so far?
AB: Not great. If everyone’s being honest it’s not where we wanted to be, I always want to win every game and play well, which just hasn’t been the case.

@bruno_united_, via Instagram: How does it feel to be back at the club and as a captain?
AB: I started my journey through football here, so it’s nice to be back at the ripe old age of 36! I’m enjoying it still, that’s for sure.

Claire Wilson, via Facebook: Who has got the worst banter in the squad?
AB: Everyone else would say me because of my Dad jokes! Maybe Kgosi (Ntlhe) or Kev (van Veen), but I’ll self-nominate myself for this one.

@chazachuckles18, via Instagram: Who is the best captain you have ever played alongside as a pro?
AB: I’ll go with Andy Crosby. We used to room together, I learnt a lot from him just how he conducted himself, like me he wanted to win every single game no matter what. He’s a lovely guy too.

Tom Wright, via Facebook: Did you fancy a penalty in the play-off semi-final last season?
AB: I think I was number 15 in the order! In all honesty, the takers were already decided and we’d been practising before the game, believe it or not. I’d never have a go at anyone for missing a penalty, it’s a lot of responsibility, I think I’ve taken one in my career!

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