The Lincolnshire FA would like to thank Scunthorpe United for the very warm welcome they received at this Saturday’s fixture against Forest Green where the club and the team helped to promote the FA’s Respect Campaign.

Originally launched in the 2008-09 season, the campaign’s new mantra of #WeOnlyDoPositive is aimed to improve behaviour on touchlines across the country by raising awareness of Respect amongst a new generation of parents, coaches, volunteers and players. 

The campaign follows extensive research carried out during the 2017-18 season to understand the effect of negative behaviour at football matches from Under 7s to Under 18s level more clearly, focusing on where Respect interventions would be most effective. 

#WeOnlyDoPositive is The FA’s strategic approach to emphasise the role of parents and coaches whilst highlighting the importance of positive behaviours and environments – both on and off the pitch – for young footballers involved in mini-soccer and youth football.

The FA’s Respect campaign is aimed to educate parents and coaches on their roles in creating a fun, safe and inclusive environment for players to ensure the campaign is embraced throughout the age groups and result in sustained participation from players and volunteers alike.   

Sarah Pridmore DSO of Lincolnshire FA: “It was great to see one of the county’s professional clubs get behind the FA’s Respect campaign. We all want to ensure that our children and young people are given a safe and positive environment to enjoy playing and watching football and to have Scunthorpe United and their first team really embrace this campaign makes me proud.

"The message is so powerful when the youngster’s role models are helping us to promote these messages and we are looking forward to working with Scunthorpe United and our other professional clubs closely in the future to keep delivering these messages. 

"I’d also like to thank Scotter Colts Under-11s for also donning our Respect shirts to show their support for Respect within grassroots football too and to all the youngster from various different clubs from across the county that gave us feedback of their experience within their grassroots football. 

"This will go a long way in helping us to ensure we improve our environments based on what our children want."

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