As promised, I can update the fans further from my communication earlier this week, although not as in depth as I thought I could.

We continue to work with the supporters groups on many topics and in particular representation on the board and we are closer to achieving this, with only a few minor issues needing resolution. It is hopeful that after our meetings in November we can take a big step forward ensuring that there will be a wider representation on the board of Scunthorpe United FC going into the New Year.

Tomorrow, prior to the match, we have a fans panel meeting followed by the last shareholders meeting with me on Monday evening starting from 6pm, so if you are a shareholder and want to be involved in that meeting, please email

As we move into November, our first board meeting will involve the fans proposals, which will not only concentrate on board representation but other ways the fans groups want to get involved with the club on a matchday. We then move onto the shareholders meeting on November 22nd.

I would like to go into further detail but that would be just waffle at this stage. Certainly, as we get to the end of the year and more concrete information is available, I will be able to inform the fans of certainty rather than just conjecture.

The next couple of months will hopefully allay any worries fans had regarding the club’s future behind the scenes, but we must not take our eye off the most immediate need, which is to start to put some performances together on the pitch. To do this we must get behind our manager and team going into this weekend, which probably looks to be our most difficult task to date. We've got to give them as much support as we can and hope that is enough to coax a performance and result from the match.

Unfortunately, I continue to have heavy work commitments, but I will be watching live, as I normally do when unable to attend and I have excellent representation in the boardroom.

Up the Iron

Peter Swann

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