First team manager Keith Hill spoke to iFollow Iron following the team's 3-0 loss to Leyton Orient, which confirmed relegation to the National League.

The gaffer started by reflecting on the game, saying: “The first half was embarrassing, really embarrassing from a manager's perspective but for the players as well. They owned up and admitted to it at half time, but in what was a real of game of pressure we folded. We make little mistakes that lead to big mistakes, and they are simple mistakes.

“I keep telling everyone we don’t practice failure but it’s not evident in performances. There’s a complacency that we need to shift very quickly, and I haven’t been able to shift it since I’ve been here. The summer brings change and it needs massive change.

“I’m disappointed for the football club and the supporters, but I was embarrassed from the first half. When their central defender decides to shoot from the half way line I think that’s an insult to the football club, but he’s got every right to do it and it was far too easy for the opponents. I find it hard emotionally and I have had to keep myself from reacting to bad situations on numerous occasions."

On the effect on the supporters, he said: “I feel bad for the supporters and I always have done. Today the supporters were magnificent (275 travelled to back the team) and they have been all season. This season must be remembered as one that we can’t repeat ever again as we go forward.

“We have to create a new model, a new identity, and a new foundation to build this football club on. It’s a very good football club and it’s a sad day for me. It hurts everybody and the impact hurts the supporters more than anybody else. It’s a real bad impact. You’ve got to be part of it to feel it and understand it, and then you’ve got to make sure you build from that hurt.” 

Hill went on to say: “I include the players, the supporters, the members of staff at the stadium, and the footballing staff. We have to put closure on this spiral that the football club has been on and make sure that we build a different and solid football club coming forward.”

He also spoke about the younger players, saying: “I thought Ethan Young was amazing, I really did. He’s going to make mistakes, there’s no doubt about it. He’s a centre half who played left-back. He has pace, presence and he’s a quick learner who's respectful. He’s respectful of the opportunity that the football club has given him and respectful to the staff and his peers - his team mates and the opposition.

“He loves football and he doesn’t just want the lifestyle, but he wants to win and he wants to be better - the best that he can be. He’s going to be a very good football player and we have to protect him, as he’s going to be one of a few that we can really put our trust in because for me they fall into that category where they will do more to achieve more.”

“We have a generation of players that want to do less and expect more, but in the competitive football world you had to do more every day. You have to do more against the players you’re competing against for a place so that you can do more against the opponents you face on a regular basis.” 

The first team manager finished by saying: “This is how you get success, because you do become the company you keep, so it’s important that the company we create at this football club inspires one another and shows a desire and determination to improve every day, to be humble to the people they’re working for - the supporters.”

See much more from Keith Hill and Liam Feeney on iFollow Iron.

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