The Scunthorpe United London and South East Supporters’ Club, otherwise known as SULSESC, will be our match sponsors for the visit of Hereford.

SULSESC was formed in 1987, to unite fellow exiled supporters of perennial under-achievers Scunthorpe United in their suffering inflicted by following the football club!

They continue to provide company for those travelling to games both home and away, and visit pubs up and down the country.

The club is a member of APFSCIL and participates in the six-a-side darts league (another excuse for more beer consumption).

Members of SULSESC have been actively involved in fund-raisers for charity, with cycle rides from London to games in Scunthorpe, Bournemouth and Torquay.

They are also regular supporters of SUFC by way of match, kit and matchball sponsorship.

For more information click here.

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