I have tried to keep my pieces for the web to a minimum and let the team do the talking on the pitch, but I thought it was important to try and put a little perspective on things. We have to understand that the position we are in at the minute is not down to luck, but to hard work from both the management and players. Scunthorpe United are in the top two because we deserve to be. That's down to some great performances and, before the weekend, an unbeaten home record second to none. These players do not become poor players overnight, however our performances recently are not up to the standard required to maintain our position in the league and push on.
Now, we enter the last 16 games and need everyone to pull together, because that is how we will succeed.
The last two seasons we have been at the bottom, working our way up the league, chasing teams and points targets - a lot easier than setting the pace. That difference in culture has been difficult for us and, although not out of the top three since September last year, we have never really been comfortable. It is not easy to get promoted, teams do not roll over for you and most of the time they put extra into their game because you are top, but we are a good team - it is not a fluke.
Our players have been superb and I expect a response, as do you, when things do not go right for us.
Injuries to key players at important times in the season makes it even more difficult, but we will come out of it and we will win games, just believe we can do it.
I have complete faith in this team and management to finish what we started and even though I get frustrated with some of the performances, it is what it is, football!
We sit in a great position in the league, surrounded by some very good teams with superior budgets and bigger squads, but I do not feel we are inferior. In fact, I am proud in what we have achieved to this point. That however means nothing if we can't get back to doing the things we were doing to get us here. Hard work and mental focus is the key, we haven't won anything yet, but we haven't lost anything either, so we must not stop doing those things which got us to this position and believe in our ability.
It is a stressful time for a lot of us but we can enjoy it if we keep the faith and believe it can be done.
Peter Swann
Iron Chairman

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