Around seven million people are currently living with cardiovascular disease in the UK and the funds raised by the collection at Scunthorpe United on Saturday afternoon will help support the BHF’s research into preventing and treating these devastating conditions. Please give generously to the British Heart Foundation’s bucket collectors around the ground.

For over 50 years, the BHF have pioneered research that’s transformed the lives of people living with heart and circulatory conditions. Their work has been central to the discoveries of vital treatments that are changing the fight against cardiovascular disease. But so many people still need their help. From babies born with life-threatening heart problems to the many mums, dads and grandparents who survive a heart attack and endure the daily battles of heart failure.

Join their fight for every heartbeat in the UK. Every pound raised, minute of your time and donation to our shops will help make a difference to people’s lives. Heart disease is an urgent problem. Too many lives are lost to heart and circulatory conditions each year, and the money raised from this partnership will play a crucial role in helping us find new ways to help keep more hearts beating.

For more information on BHF, or if you would like to get involved with your local fundraising group, please contact Elsa Wightman on 01724 340366.

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