There will be bucket collectors on behalf of the British Heart Foundation at Saturday’s home game against Sunderland.

The BHF funds research into all heart and circulatory conditions, including heart diseases, stroke and vascular dementia, along with risk factors including diabetes. 

In Lincolnshire alone, around 2,200 people devastatingly lose their lives to conditions including heart disease, stroke and heart failure every year.

The BHF wants a world without heart and circulatory diseases, so is funding vital research to keep hearts beating and blood flowing. Each year, the charity funds £100 million to find cures and treatments for these conditions.

Gary Burr, BHF’s Fundraising Manager for Lincolnshire, added: “We never cease to be amazed by the extraordinary ways people like fundraise for the BHF and we’re incredibly grateful for the money that is raised.

“We urgently need more people to help power our life saving research in our aim to beat heartbreak forever. That’s why we’re calling on everyone across the UK to organise their own fundraising event to help support the vital work of the BHF.”

For inspiration and everything you need to organise a successful event, visit or contact Gary Burr, Fundraising Manager of BHF on 07764 290380 or email

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