As featured in our matchday programme earlier this season, we asked you to send us some questions for the Iron’s number 10, and as always, you supplied. The Dutchman answers a selection below…

@ScunnyRazor, via Twitter: Who is the biggest victim of the dressing room practical joker?
KVV: We’ve got a lot of jokes going on! I’d say probably Jordan Hallam because he’s got a Yorkshire accent, so when he walks in from the physio room or something, everyone shouts ‘alright duck’. As a Dutchman, I don’t really understand it!

Kelly Crimbo McClements, via Facebook: Who’s your best mate at the club?
KVV: I don’t really have a favourite if I’m honest, I like everyone, and everyone likes me!

Patricia Lodge, via Facebook: Did it feel strange returning to Scunthorpe, and did you have any regrets over the decision?
KVV: I don’t have regrets, no. It felt weird but I knew the place and some of the staff already. I could’ve probably signed for another League One team, but we were in that league then too, so I have no regrets in that sense.

Ian Redhead, via Facebook: Was it an easy decision for you to return to the Iron?
KVV: Yes and no. There were quite a few clubs interested after I scored those goals early last season, but I’ve got a good connection with the Chairman here, and I wanted to stay loyal to him, which made it easier.

Colin Jarvis, via Facebook: What was the hardest part of leaving Holland to move to Scunthorpe
KVV: Leaving behind all my friends and family. Missing out on birthdays, weddings and parties has been hard, but it’s part of the job when you move to another country.

Darren Clark, via Facebook: Who is the best forward you’ve played with?
KVV: Memphis Depay in my younger years.

David Lloyd, via Facebook: Tea or coffee?
KVV: Coffee.

@ldomonkos07, via Instagram: What football team did you support as a young lad?
KVV: PSV Eindhoven! They’re obviously a massive club, and it was where I grew up, and the team I played for as a kid.

@beano.keano, via Instagram: What is your favourite pair of football boots to wear?
KVV: Nike Vapor boots.

@ltab1511, via Instagram: Is Dennis Bergkamp an influence on your style?
KVV: I’d love to be like him, but unfortunately I’m nowhere near his quality. I did watch a lot of him growing up, and I try to do ‘lower-league standard tricks’ shall we say. I’m sure I’ve been called Budget Bergkamp too!

@timihutson, via Instagram: What is your favourite moment in a Scunny shirt?
KVV: For me, it’s Chelsea away in the FA Cup in 2016. I played a really good game that day and should’ve had a penalty, they fielded a very strong side too. It was nice to see Guus Hiddink as well, he was the head of the academy at PSV when I was there.

@jackfindon, via Instagram: What’s the best feeling on matchday?
KVV: Knowing that you have the chance to go out and entertain as many people as you can, doing something that you love.

@finley_chartoniuk, via Instagram: How does it feel to score?
KVV: It feels amazing. Sometimes it feels even better if it’s a crucial goal or game, like a derby for example., via Instagram: Who’s the toughest player you’ve played against?
KVV: I struggled a lot against Virgil van Dijk back in the day. He was already a unit and I was really tiny! In more recent times, I’d say any of the back four against Chelsea were very difficult to get past.

@oldmanstuffins, via Instagram: What’s your favourite alcoholic beverage?
KVV: I’m not a big drinker, but if I had to choose, it would be whiskey, probably Jack Daniels.

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