Hello everyone.

Hope you are all safe and well in these difficult times.

I’d just like to say what an amazing, selfless job the NHS and other key workers are continuing to do - putting themselves at risk in order to help those worst affected by Covid-19. There are also many others who continue to do their jobs in order to help keep the country going - we must not overlook their efforts either.

I must also give a special mention to Captain Tom Moore who currently has raised over £28-million for the NHS a week short of his 100th birthday. What an outstanding example this gentleman is to us all.

Let’s hope our beloved football returns very soon, but only when it’s deemed safe to do so.

Please keep following the government guidelines and work together to overcome the effects of this terrible virus. The efforts we have made so far are paying dividends but we must keep this up.

Please join Clap for Carers tonight at 8pm to show our ongoing appreciation.

Stay safe everyone,

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