It's been a year like no other and it was a festive hospital visit like no other, but the Iron players were still eager to make a difference in the local community.

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a massive strain on the world, for businesses, organisations and charities alike, none more so than the NHS and the charities within it.

United had already raised over £3,000 for the Health Tree Foundation back during the first lockdown following a joint effort from Rory Watson, Kevin van Veen and Levi Sutton, but the whole squad clubbed together to provide a further donation to the charity.

While we are used to visiting the Disney Ward in the run-up to Christmas to deliver gifts to inpatients on the ward, the pandemic kept us outside for everyone's safety. Despite this, assistant manager Mark Lillis, Harrison McGahey and Mason O'Malley met Shelley Knibb from The Health Tree Foundation as the funds were transferred 

The charity works in partnership with the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust. The donation will play a small part in ensuring they can provide acute hospital and community services to a population of over 400,000 people across North and North East Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Following the donation, a representative from the Health Tree Foundation said: "On behalf of The Health Tree Foundation at Scunthorpe General Hospital, I just want to say thank you so much for your very generous donation. This will be used as needed by our wards and will help out so much."

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