Defender Junior Brown has spoken to iFollow Iron after signing for the Iron on a free transfer on Sunday morning.

The 31-year-old left-back has made almost 400 career appearances and impressed during a loan spell with us from Coventry City last season, where he played 24 times.

Speaking about his return, he said: "It's developed quite quickly over the last few days and has been a quick process. It's been a strange six or seven months with everything going on in the world. It's been difficult times in football but I'm glad to get it done and get cracking.

"The games are going to come thick and fast, especially with everything that's gone on. It's going to be Saturday-Tuesday (the frequency of matches) now until around December, but I hope I can find myself playing rather quickly and I'm looking forward to it.

"I come here with experience, can pass some knowledge onto the younger lads and make a difference in and around the club - not just on the pitch, but off it as well. I want to make a big impact.

"Overall, I'm looking forward to getting back in and around a football environment, get cracking and enjoying my football again."

Speaking about how he's found the COVID-19 situation, he said: "It's been strange and a testing time with everything that's going on football-wise. Things haven't quite panned out as I expected, with deals put on the back burner or pulled from underneath me, but it's just a sign of the times with everything that's going on. Clubs can't commit to things like they could do in the past because they're struggling financially as well.

"It's been a difficult one and I've done my best to keep as fit as possible, but at the same time it's been nice as well. Having a young son, I've managed to have some great quality time at home with him, which has been enjoyable.

"With everything that's going on, it's a young man's game now. Things have been decimated for the older players over the last six months or so with what's been going on with COVID-19. A lot of those players will have been looking at it, thinking 'is it worth staying in the game?'.

"Was I confident? I'm always confident that I'm good enough to get another EFL club. but did it look like it was going to happen? Not necessarily, but I was prepared for every eventuality. It's just a sign of the times. It's not just football, but everyone's struggling so you have to make the best of it what you can."

Brown proved popular with the supporters during last season's loan spell and he's looking forward to pulling on the Iron's claret and blue colours again.

He said: "It's always good to hear nice things from the fans, and that they appreciate what you've done in the past. I'm looking forward to playing games and passing on my knowledge and experience to the younger lads, and hopefully I can be a valuable addition to the squad."

See much more from Junior Brown on iFollow Iron. Click here to buy a £10 match pass for Tuesday night's away game at Cheltenham Town.

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