The Iron’s academy is incredibly grateful to have received a £560 donation in memory of former steward and fan of the club, Terence Hird.

The side have since put that money to good use, purchasing an ultra-studio recorder and iPad to enable them to have live pitch side analysis and playback during games.

Academy manager Tony Daws commented: “It is really sad that a long-standing supporter and club steward Terence Hird passed away recently. I would like to pass on our sincere condolences to his family.

“It is so very generous that a donation has been made to the Academy in his memory. We have put this donation to good use and have purchased digital equipment that allows us to film and code academy games, giving us in-game data as it happens.

“This will be invaluable in helping us to develop our performance analysis and feedback to players.

The new equipment was in full use for the first time for Saturday’s Merit League fixture away at Notts County, allowing the players and staff to review and analyse footage at in-game and at half-time.

The analysis software and iPad have also been put to good use at the Under-9s to Under-16s fixtures on a Sunday morning at the St Lawrence Academy, with Academy Analyst Glenn Boden able to provide instant feedback to coaches as and when they require it. 

The equipment also aids the coding of clips, giving the academy players access to their own individual training and match footage, likened to how first team players would gain theirs.

Daws added: “We are very thankful for the kind donation in Terence’s memory.”

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