Defender Andrew Boyce spoke to Iron Player following the 2-0 away defeat at Eastleigh on Tuesday night.

Boyce returned to Silverlake Stadium for the first time after leaving to join United in the summer, following a prior five years playing at the Spitfires.

Speaking on his return, Boyce said: “It was disappointing again, I thought they were better than us first half, and we did well just to weather the storm.

“I think their shape caught and hurt us a little bit but second half I thought we came out and were the better side up until they scored really.”

The centre-back rose highest to two identical Butterfield corners in the second half, with both well attacked at by Boyce, but both were guided marginally over the bar.

Speaking on his big chances throughout the second half, he revealed: “I said [in the dressing room following full time] that I probably should have scored two to be honest, and I’ve headed them both over.

“On a different day they go in and then it’s a different game but we’re really disappointed.

“I was free as a bird, and I felt like I headed them down, but they still went over so that was disappointing from me really.”

Talking through the goals which the Iron conceded, Boyce explained: “The first goal: there are three errors in there, we’ve kicked it against somebody, and it’s gone up in the air.

“There are three different chances there where you’ve got to try and stop it at the source to be honest.

“With the second goal we’re chasing the game, I’ve gone up front to try and get back in the game, but the first one is especially disappointing because there are three chances to clear the ball."

Summing up the Iron’s return of four points from nine in the seven-day span which consisted of three games, Boyce said: “I wouldn’t have taken four points from three games to be honest, we’ve got to be better and we’re disappointed."

“We’ve got to start holding onto things too,” Boyce began when discussing the one-all draw against Barnet.

“We went one-nil up with ten minutes left and conceded straight after. We’ve got to stand those things out, otherwise it’ll be a long season if we don’t."

The Iron now have eight days without a match to prepare for Wrexham at home, after three games in seven, with Boyce saying: “We’ll be back in Thursday and we can do some work over the next eight days.

“In this league anybody can beat anyone on their day, so we’ll give it a good go.”

See more from Andrew Boyce on Iron Player.

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