Recent loan signing Rob Apter spoke to Iron Player after making his first start and winning the sponsors' man of the match award on Saturday against Boreham Wood, which unfortunately ended in a 2-0 home loss.

He began: “In the first half we had them, I thought we were on them. Second half we just didn’t do anything - they just had us.

“It was two poor goals as well. It was our mistakes that cost us the goals and it just wasn’t good enough. Giving away poor goals is what we need to fix. But we had chances first half, we just needed to put them away. We need to get them on target and make the keeper work.

"We just have to get ourselves back up now, get onto the next game and try and get a result out of it."

Speaking about his experience in the club over the past week and with regards the recent appointment of interim first team manager Tony Daws, interim assistant manager Michael Nelson and their influence so far, Apter added: “They (Daws and Nelson) have been good. They both have experience and are good to learn from. Sometimes it’s about going back to the basics, and then other times it’s about trying to get a result any sort of way possible."

Relating to his performance on Saturday and what he brings to the team, Apter said: “I was alright. I probably could’ve scored, that’s the only thing I can say.

“I like to get fans off their seats, I think I did that in the first half but probably not as much in the second half. I try to drive at the players and attack them to make them move and work."

Finally, looking ahead to the Iron’s next two games away at Eastleigh and Altringham, Apter revealed: “We’re back in on Monday and then we will work as a team to try and get ourselves back up for Saturday and onwards.

“It doesn’t matter about the distance; we just need to try and get a result out of the game by any means possible. I’ve come to play games and win as many as possible and that’s what we need to start doing."

See much more from Rob Apter on Iron Player.

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