National League North joint top scorer Danny Whitehall looks ahead to Tuesday’s clash with South Shields under the lights of Glanford Park.

When asked if, in his opinion, the Iron’s 2-2 draw with Alfreton on Saturday at the Impact Arena could be classed as a point gained or two points dropped, he responded by saying: “It depends on how you look at it. Going down to 10 men six minutes in, it’s a point gained, but going into the game you would’ve like to have taken all three points.

"We played quite well thought but they made it difficult for us. Overall, it’s a point gained.”

Midfielder Kian Scales was dismissed after six minutes of Saturday's fixture which played a huge part in the eventual result. We asked Danny his opinions on the decision: “I was quite close to it to be fair, it’s a tough one. He didn’t win the ball, but I shouldn’t have given it away actually.

“His tenacity and tackling are one of his strong points and he’s been fabulous for us so far but whether it was a red or not it could’ve gone either way. He will be a real miss but at the same time we have players that are ready to fill in.”

With an impressive goal return of five goals in seven games so far this campaign, Whitehall is the league’s joint top goal scorer with Buxton’s Sam Osborne and Brackley’s Danny Newton. When asked his opinion on his figures so far this campaign he responded: “I need to take it one game at a time and that’s all I can do. Five in seven isn’t bad, it’s a good start but as long as we’re winning it doesn’t matter too much who scores.”

In Danny’s last interview he gave his opinions on the competition for places between him and fellow striker Danny Elliott. Since then both him and Elliott have both been featuring consistently. He once again gave an insight into what it’s like having another capable striker in-and-around the starting XI: “We’re two different kinds of players and I think we do complement each other well. 

“Given the formation that the gaffer is playing, Danny has found himself out on the left which, despite not being his natural position, I think he has been fantastic. It’s not just Danny, it's Cam (Wilson) on the other side, and I think the three of us has been working well and hopefully long may that continue.”

Tonight’s fixture against South Shields is bound to be a tough contest for the Iron given both clubs strong starts to the campaign.

When referring to how the magnitude of the game has affected the way that both he personally and the squad as a whole prepare for the game he finished by saying: “We try to approach it the same as any other game.

"We don’t prioritise any games we just want to get three points from every one we play, but we know what South Shields can do, they’re a good passing team and we know that they will be tough to beat.”

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