New Iron shot stopper Maison Campbell provided his first thoughts upon re-joining Scunthorpe following his departure from York City.

When firstly asked on his reaction to joining the club, Campbell stated: “I’m buzzing because it’s what I’ve wanted all summer, and I’m delighted to finally get it over the line."

After spending the majority of the 2023-24 season on loan with United from the Minstermen, he provided an insight into how beneficial his previous spell with the club had been: “I really enjoyed working with Muzzy (Paul Musselwhite) and Ross (Fitzsimons). They’re a pleasure to work with, and helped bring me on loads last season."

Following the appointment of new first team manager Andy Butler, Campbell spoke about his opinions on the appointment of Butler, who he’d worked with the previous year: “He knows what he’s doing, and everyone can see that. Now it’s just about getting to work, playing for him and playing for the badge by doing the best we can.

“I appreciate York for sticking by me for the past three years but obviously now I thought that it was the right time to move on and try to find action closer to the first team.”

After appearing twice in the Lincolnshire Cup for Scunthorpe during his time on loan, Campbell reflected on the experience he gained in that competition by saying: “Moments like that are why you play football, and especially games like that which are a pleasure to play in. I’m gutted that I missed the final, but I’m hoping to get some more games in that competition this time out.

“With me and Ross, it’s just a case of trying to push each other as much as possible in training. For me now coming in as second choice, I need to make sure that I’m pushing him but obviously pushing myself enough to try and compete with him."

After returning for the beginning of the club’s pre-season preparations today, the goalkeeper gave his opinion on how he’s found the early stages of the highly anticipated period: “It’s good to be back. I’d say today has probably been an easier day, but I’m sure it’s going to get a lot harder. That’s what pre-season is about, and we all aim to be the fittest team in the league.

“We’ve had meetings this morning on our aims for the season, and everyone’s goal is promotion, so I’m obviously really excited for the season ahead.

“Tomorrow (Tuesday) we’ve got a five mile run to complete, so we will have to see how that goes because I’ve never done that in my life as a goalkeeper, but it’s all for a good cause so you’ve got to put the work in.”

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