by James Moody
First team manager Andy Butler is delighted to have recruited former Chorley forward Carlton Ubaezuonu as his first acquisition as Iron boss.

Ubaezuonu is a player he knows well having played with him at Farsley Celtic in the 2022-23 season, with Butler knowing the attributes the frontman can bring as he gears his team up for another promotion push. 

"Carlton has a great season, and is someone I've watched since my time with him at Farsley,” he stated.

"I know his work rate and work ethic, and he's a humble person as well, and hungry. That's what I want here at Scunthorpe United. I want people that want to represent the club, and I think Carlton will do that. By no means is he the finished article, but what he has got is an unbelievable work ethic that will get him there.

“He scored 15 goals for Chorley last season in 44 league games, so he’s robust, and the sort of player we are after. He can deal with the physical aspect of National League North, and it’s more competition. Obviously Danny Elliott has left, and we’ve replaced him with Carlton.”

With a goal ratio of around one in three games last season, in a team where he was often deployed on the wing, the United gaffer is in no doubt the 26-year-old will find the net considering the number of chances he expects his side to create in the forthcoming campaign.

“I was speaking to Carlton downstairs, and he’s statistically one of the best strikers in the league, which is what we’ll need to get promoted,” he continued. 

“I see him as a striker. Without giving too much away, I see him as a centre forward. I want him to form a partnership up top. We’re going to create a lot of chances this season, like we did last season, but with two centre forwards on the pitch, I think we’ll score more.

“He’s excited to get going, we’re excited to see him scoring goals, and hopefully he will form a good partnership with Danny (Whitehall), and all the other players.

“I know there have been a number of clubs chasing him, so we’ve done well to get him.”

Butler alluded to the pulling power of the tremendous support the Iron have as one of the main contributing factors in brining Ubaezuonu to the club. He also alluded once more to the tough pre-season he has in store for the players.

“The pull of the supporters was the main thing that Carlton spoke about when I talked to him,” he added. 

“Playing in front of over 3,000 fans, 4,000 fans week-in, week-out, is something you cannot replicate anywhere else in this division.

“It’s his first full pre-season in England, but he’s already a fit lad. He will have to be fit this pre-season. Every player I’ve spoken to, I’ve told them that pre-season will be tough. I only ask the players what I can do as well. I represent them and they represent me, so I want them to be fit and robust to represent Scunthorpe United.”

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